Happy Veterans Day

To all those serving at home and abroad; thank you for your service. Although many of us don't take time to think of how our freedom is gained, it goes a long way acknowledging the sacrifice many have made for our simple pleasures. Today is a day to do just that. Image from zuikosan
After almost a year living in paradise, a place that the majority of the world dreams of visiting, I have decided that I'm just not cut out for this whole relaxing on the beach thing. Yup, that's right, I'm no longer in Hawaii and have chosen to return to the frozen tundra of Wisconsin. I'm not...
How often do you try to do more than one thing at once? For me, it's almost every time I sit down in front of my computer. I have music going on in the background, perhaps watching a review or video on youtube, while trying to write an article and every so often I'm glancing over at...
The recession, lack of spending, unemployment, debt, foreclosure... are you as sick of these words as I am? Well if you want them to stop, go spend money and do your part in turning around the economy, duh silly! ;) As consumer spending makes up a significant, but debateable percentage of the national economy it's not hard...
Getting rid of debt seems to be many people’s number one priority. They realise they need help with their debt. The sheer number of personal finance blogs, or PF blogs as they have come to be known, dishing out debt advice makes this clear. For many of us, however, eliminating debt is a bit of a balancing act. Things...
How you think of your work determines where it will take you and how you stay motivated throughout the day. Are you there simply for a paycheck or for some greater purpose? Imagine three people, all with the same job, but all with different perspectives. They do the same tasks, but their motivation is completely different....
The 40 hour workweek. That's what we're all used to. The 9-5 standard, punch your clock, Monday through Friday and do what everyone else does. But how many of those hours do you really need to be working? I work 40+ hours in a week, not because I have to, but because the majority of my money...
STOP THINKING ABOUT MONEY! It's the easiest way to make it. :) Dwelling, worrying, planning, fretting, pacing, exhausting... these are some of the many words that come to mind when I think about money too much. You plan, then you plan some more, then you think about hypothetical situations, then perhaps you rehash the idea, then you think...
I like to take advice from old people. They've seen more, done more, and often have made the mistakes that I'd like to avoid in life. Older people are wiser (most of the time), they're often much more content, and they have qualities I lack. Patience and a greater sense of what this thing they call...
I see life as the ability to accomplish anything you want, with very few exceptions. I could become the president, I could go be an astronaut, I could go make a billion dollars, heck I could even become a woman if I wanted (just checking if you're still reading ;) ). I'm a believer in the 10,000...