As I was counting inventory at work today it hit me like a ton of bricks. What I do at work is directly related to my own life. The same processes, functions, and systems a business uses can be overlapped into your own personal life. The business of life is exactly like the business of… well… business. If you’re great...
I recently started a new job and haven't received my first paycheck yet. I'm fully aware of my gross income, but I'm wondering, how much will my paycheck be after taxes? Frankly, I'm a little too lazy to manually calculate the Social Security (which I'll never see), FICA, State, and Federal taxes. In my search for an easy...

Making Myself Poor

Today I did something either really smart, or really dumb. I decided I'd like to roll the dice with my finances and stretch myself a little thin. I realize I'm not going to be technically "poor," but I'll definitely be cash poor. I had about $3,500 in cash savings and decided I wanted less of a cushion, so...
Financial freedom is a pretty vague term.  It's up there with words like success, nice, and good.  Words like these will get you in trouble, because they simply can't be defined, measured, or achieved.  There are no benchmarks or tangible finish lines so they go on forever without being accomplished. Everyone you ask will give you a definition of financial...