Stop Thinking About Money!


STOP THINKING ABOUT MONEY! It’s the easiest way to make it. 🙂

Dwelling, worrying, planning, fretting, pacing, exhausting… these are some of the many words that come to mind when I think about money too much. You plan, then you plan some more, then you think about hypothetical situations, then perhaps you rehash the idea, then you think about it some more… meanwhile, you make no money.

People have a lot of ideas, in fact, everyone has ideas. Everyone has thoughts about money, and what it would take for them to live off internet income, or doing what they love while making money. They calculate how much it would take IF they decided to do it… then they recalculate, and think about it some more, meanwhile doing nothing. Stop doing that!

Take all your ideas, write them down on a sheet of paper, pick one and commit to it, then stop thinking about it and start doing it! Your self conscious mind will take over with plenty more ideas as you go, but thinking about money will not bring you money alone, it requires action as well. If you get more great ideas, simply write them down and continue on without dwelling on what if’s and wondering if it’s possible.

I get quite a few emails from people asking what it would take to make money, asking what the magic pill is. The magic pill is this… stop thinking about making money… start making money. Start a business, start applying for higher paying jobs, start reading more about how to make money, start acting in a direction that will teach you as you go. Stop thinking about that next step, take it.

Your mind will start focusing on the task at hand rather than the outcome of something you’re not even doing, which will make you feel a whole lot better, and get your miles closer to actually making money than just thinking about it while you’re sitting on your couch.

Your dreams and passions will not come true just by you thinking about them, so stop thinking, and take some action! Now!

Image from adobemac

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Moon Hussain

Ryan, you’re right about getting stuck on the idea of making money. I, myself, am guilty of this but I think I’m on the cusp of making money online, which is quite exciting!

Certainly, for me, the key component has been taking action…
.-= Moon Hussain´s last blog ..Fun Friday Round-Up: Best PI/PF Posts of the Week =-.

Roman Soluk

Thanks a lot, Ryan, for this post! I like your attitude toward money. And you are right, money hasn’t to be a goal, it is only means. And if to think that way we will have more chances to get more money, but if we constantly think of it, it will be hard to concentrate on the things we do.
.-= Roman Soluk´s last blog ..Simple guide to a healthy weight loss =-.

Aury (Thunderdrake)
Aury (Thunderdrake)

This is something I certainly need to get drilled into my head sometimes. This is kind of the same principle of ‘action always beats inaction.’ And how true that is.

Thankfully I’ve been moving out of that and more into actually doing what I want to do with my ventures in both investing and writing.

Haha, thanks, Ryan. You deliver the ‘just do it’ message in a very well-sculpted manner.
.-= Aury (Thunderdrake)´s last blog ..How To Train Your Dragon – The Review =-.

Aury (Thunderdrake)
Aury (Thunderdrake)

I hear ya there. Search Engine Viking. I’m going to play devil’s advocate a bit here and mention that trying not to dwell on finances is something that’s easier said than done. When you dwell on it, it kind of eats away at valuable time… It’s a strange little paradox. But I always considered this step as important as any problem. The first step being to admit that one has the problem. I admit that I think too much about money. Especially in the case of blogging and investing! But when that hurdle’s overcome, I’m sure everything is pretty much… Read more »

Money Reasons

Actions speak louder than words! I’ve been guilty of researching too much and not acting on what I’ve learned.

If you overthink money and finances too much, you get burned out and don’t follow through with the plan. Use common sense, do with views that you think are correct, and go out and do it!!!

Nice post!!!
.-= Money Reasons´s last blog ..Lemons to Lemonade – Mowing To Excercise and Save Money =-.

Search Engine Viking

Another great post, Ryan! Speaking for myself, sometimes I get so focused on making money that I actually lose focus on the “vehicle” that I’m using to make it. In the sense of making money online, I find it hard to stick with one project long enough to see any results… Just think, if I (or you or anybody else) would have started one blog back when they first became available and posted just one post per day – maybe even per week – we’d have a huge authority site in the eyes of Google, probably some killer traffic, awesome… Read more »

Jarrod@ Optimistic Journey

Great thought, Ryan. I’m reminded of a great scripture, Faith without works is dead. We can think about making money all day long but until we put action behind our thoughts, we’re doing ourselves an injustice.

Thanks for sharing!!
.-= Jarrod@ Optimistic Journey´s last blog ..Are You In Indifference Mode? =-.

LenciB: Falling Into favor

Good point! My pastor was talking about that: (not money exactly) but how we get all of this knowledge and sit on it. Find out what to do, and do it. Stop thinking about it…
.-= LenciB: Falling Into favor´s last blog ..A Second Look at Psalm 1:1 =-.


Great post Ryan.

You also need to start as soon as possible to give you plenty of time to recover in case the first, second or maybe even third road you take doesn’t head you in the right direction.

Additionally by starting soon rather than hatching the perfect idea means that your idea doesn’t have to be so perfect as you have more time for that idea to bear fruit.
.-= RetirementInvestingToday´s last blog ..Bulls, bears and the 200 day moving average =-.

Little House

Great post! I think I do both; work and plan, but I over-plan and exhaust myself. I need to unplug, take a breather, and refocus! Thanks for reminding me of that. 🙂
.-= Little House´s last blog ..Tuesday Tips, Week 9 =-.


hey Ryan,
Awesome post, well done is better that well thought. Most people waste time thinking rather than practicing. We must always dare to do something regardless of the risk involved. that’s what i learned as an entrepreneur, and it’s applicable in our every day life experience.
.-= innocriss´s last blog ..Learn To Be Wisely Frugal But Selectively Extravagant! =-.


Awesome. Money is the end result. It’s like Ready, Fire, Aim. We learn more from taking action, in both successes and failures, rather than in just the thinking or planning stages.


Good tips. Sometimes I need that kick in the pants to get me going in the right direction. Too much thinking and planning leads to paralysis by analysis.

I try to tell myself that conditions will probably never be perfect for business ventures. Instead of “ready, aim, fire!”, I try to live by “ready, fire, aim!”. Just start and adjust along the way.
.-= Darren´s last blog ..Free Credit Score From Credit Karma =-.

Daddy Paul

Make your money work for you not you work for your money.
.-= Daddy Paul´s last blog ..The low risk portfolio =-.


That is a very wise post. The only thing I’d add is it can be useful to think about a certain money goal – but not obsess about how far away it is (well it helps to pick a viable one!).

That way your subconscious remembers the name of the game is getting rich – eventually…

Scott Barron
Scott Barron

I’m right there with ya Lee. If only I started this 15 years ago, or when ever the internet buzz took off. I know Lisa Irby talks about starting her first website in 1997 or 1998. I’m not even sure what to blame my ignorance on because I bought my first home computer in 1996. Even then the number of US homes with a personal computer: 33.9 million!! On March 6, 1997 the Bonny View Cottage Furniture company registers the one millionth Internet domain name ( at 12:07:51 pm. We gotta get busy! .-= Scott Barron´s last blog ..What is… Read more »


Very great post. I also have a similar post where I discuss why people fail to make money online. You have to not think about it. It’s get you frustrated if you set out to make money and you make little or no money at all.

Nice Ryan 🙂
.-= Kharim´s last blog ..I Love My Blog. What About You? =-.

Money Smarts

You make a great point – we love to talk about making money endlessly, but when it actually comes time for the rubber to meet the road, too often we just let our opportunities fly by. We do nothing.

Time to take action, to make goals and to increase income!
.-= Money Smarts´s last blog ..If Your House Is Worth Less Than You Owe, Is It OK To Just Stop Paying Your Mortgage And Walk Away? =-.


have a PMA (positive mental attitude) is huge in live but having one about your finances can go a long way.

Brandon Connell

I have to say that the opposite is true with me. I always think about money and I make thousands of it. I don’t just wait for it to come though. I go looking for ways to make money come to me.
.-= Brandon Connell´s last blog ..How Ritalin made me a better blogger =-.


Yes you are right we always get stuck getting ideas .It becomes more complicated when we come up with more ideas .the more we think the more we create a web of ideas and get stuck .The better way is to stubben your ideas and make a to do note and stuck to it .It is the better way to get a proper solution about money.
.-= corey´s last blog ..How to Get Instant Credit Cards? =-.


Great… I have always been talking about these new bloggers who are eager to make money online. And I said the same as you, if you don’t think about money is the easiest way to make it…
.-= Kharim´s last blog ..Is Money Your Main Focus? =-.