I've read a lot of blog posts in my life. Thousands and thousands of them. Lists, stories, how to guides, and general advice, mostly about money, personal development, and web development, but also a plethora of other topics. I generally try to learn from each article, to take something from it or to connect to the...
I'm sitting alone writing this post. It's 9pm and everyone has cleared out of the internet cafe to make their ways to the bars and clubs of nearby Waikiki. I do my best work alone, I can concentrate, there aren't distractions, and I can choose my own music. My brain can relax and I can think...
I'm sure you've heard the expression "turning on a dime," but would that be a way to describe your life? Most of us wouldn't be able to move within the next 24 hours or simply hop to the next destination via a plane ticket without leaving a mess behind at home. We're not built like nomads and...
I went to turn on my computer yesterday and was greeted by a black screen and about as much response as I get from girls I talk to at the beach ;) My laptop died, sad day, but I'm over it. I wasn't too concerned, it's only a laptop, there are internet cafes and plenty of ways...
Back when I was just a young chap (which wasn’t too long ago, so don’t get any age-guessing ideas…), there was a guy who lived down the street from us who built dragsters in his driveway. Yes, real fire-breathing, asphalt-scorching, thousand-horsepower dragsters – the kind that rip through a racetrack in milliseconds and accelerate from 0 to warp speed...
What would happen if you took a step back from your current life? If you just observed and removed yourself from the chaos would your perspective change? Well, you'd probably be on vacation ;), but seriously, if you could take a month to step back, unplug all your electronics and reflect on what it is you're doing,...
Who the heck would fear success, it's like avoiding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow because you're afraid a leprechaun will come out and bite you. It may sound like a weird fear to possess, but fear of success is something that stops a lot of people from going after their dreams and reaching...
Are your friends about as well off as you? Are they more poor or more rich? Does this interfere with your friendship? At this point, I'm about equal with my friends, maybe actually more on the poor side because of my choices, but I can't help but shake the thought that "You are the sum of...
I'm sure you've heard the phrase "don't sweat the small stuff," but what about the big stuff? If you follow the personal finance 101 advice from Daniel, you just might not even have to sweat at all. Daniel is a recent college grad and personal finance blogger who writes over at Sweatingthebigstuff.com where he talks about an...
Earlier today I spent an hour speaking with Ask Mr. Credit Card on his blog talk radio show. I think I'm glad I did this mostly because I learned that I like to say "ya know" about a million times when nervously talking on the phone... I'm also quite good at cutting Mr. Credit Card off! maybe...