In light of the holiday season I thought I'd have a little fun and pick on Wal-mart and black Friday. Here's a parody of a poor guy who gets stuck waiting for Wal-Mart to open, nearly gets run over by a car, soils himself, and makes his getaway successfully with some Zhu Zhu's. All to the lines of "Twas...
In a world bombarded with complexities, stripping life down to it's fundamentals is so appealing. Releasing the shackles of your possessions and the stress associated with it can be done through living a minimalist lifestyle. Here are 7 reasons why you should consider living a minimalist lifestyle: 1. It's Hard to Lose Things - If you only own 100 things...
Since I've been bartending for years people often as me "how much do bartenders make?" This is a question that simply "depends," but I'll do my best to try and answer it. If you want the short answer the range varies from $5 an hour, all the way up to $100 an hour, but in my experience, an average...
Today's personal finance blogger interview is with W of Well-Heeled. Well-Heeled Blog is a personal finance blog on savvy living which includes building a solid financial foundation for tomorrow while enjoying life today. Read below to learn more about W's experiences as a blogger and her own financial journey. Is well heeled your first blog? How did you originally...
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"-English Proverb- Often the hardest step to take when getting out of debt is the first one. It's not any more challenging in terms of work or sacrifice, but it's going to be the biggest mental challenge you'll have on your journey to getting out of debt. "I have learned...
Much like changing clothes, we often change careers and direction in life.  Each time we switch we have to project a different image depending on the job, career, or business we pursue.  If you were an engineer before and now you want to become a music teacher, they're not going to care that you can draw bridges.  They're going...
I always enjoy reading a good interview.  Especially when it's with people who I'm interested in hearing more about.  From that perspective I'd like to gain the perspective of many of the bloggers who write about the subjects discussed on this site, however the majority will be from personal finance bloggers. This will be an ongoing, and never ending (knock...
Getting rid of debt seems to be many people’s number one priority. They realise they need help with their debt. The sheer number of personal finance blogs, or PF blogs as they have come to be known, dishing out debt advice makes this clear. For many of us, however, eliminating debt is a bit of a balancing act. Things...

Achieving Success

I really enjoyed watching this short video about achieving success from, Eric Thomas, the hip hop preacher. In the video Eric talks about how hard several people have worked to achieve what their dreams and how you've simply want it more than the next guy. My favorite part of the video is when Eric says: "When you want to succeed...
Up until recently I haven't accepted any guest posts for Planting Dollars, but would like to change that. If you'd like to promote your site via guest posting (the strategy that ranked me 122,261 on Alexa within two months of launch) I will be accepting them from now on. Guest posting is a great way to get your name...