How often do you try to do more than one thing at once? For me, it's almost every time I sit down in front of my computer. I have music going on in the background, perhaps watching a review or video on youtube, while trying to write an article and every so often I'm glancing over at...
Savings accounts and investments in shares are two very different financial products and to compare them and choose the option which is best for you, you need to first be clear about what you need from your finances. A savings account does not need to replace investments in shares, nor should your investments in shares be your only savings;...
"Never borrow money to pay for something that goes down in value." Those are the words or personal finance advice from Seth Godin, one of the greatest marketers of our time. Seth brings up a really good point that is often overlooked. It highlights the concept of good debt versus bad debt perfectly. If you're borrowing for things that...
It's been said that spending money is a bit easier than making it, but I think I'd have to work pretty hard to spend as much as a U.K. lottery winner did. A 16 year old British girl, Callie Rogers, was lucky enough to win $3 million dollars, (1.9 million pounds)...  and guess what she did? She spent it...
When you drive by your local car dealership you'll see bright numbers in the windshields of the cars, possibly with 0% financing offers, but what you won't see is the real cost of owning that car. The price tag for your car is just the beginning of a costly relationship you'll embark on when purchasing your car. When you...
Interested in getting pictures of money and coins without having to pay royalty fees? I have a collection available that I've taken that you can use absolutely free! View them in the slideshow below via flickr. If you're super nice and would like to thank me for using these photos I would always appreciate a link back...
I happened to just stumble on this, but I was completely amazed that you can now find the 1928 George Clason classic "The richest man in Babylon" absolutely free. Some would argue that this book laid the foundation for the personal finance movement as we know it and was the first of it's kind. Written in a simple to...
I see life as the ability to accomplish anything you want, with very few exceptions. I could become the president, I could go be an astronaut, I could go make a billion dollars, heck I could even become a woman if I wanted (just checking if you're still reading ;) ). I'm a believer in the 10,000...
Financial freedom is a pretty vague term.  It's up there with words like success, nice, and good.  Words like these will get you in trouble, because they simply can't be defined, measured, or achieved.  There are no benchmarks or tangible finish lines so they go on forever without being accomplished. Everyone you ask will give you a definition of financial...
Ever wonder what it's like to be a globetrotting internet entrepreneur? Well you're about to meet one first hand. Colin from owns a boutique branding studio called Colin Is My Name. His business allows him to work anywhere in the world, which he's currently doing. Keep reading to learn about Colin's thoughts on...