Free Balance Sheet

If you're looking to track your finances it's a lot easier with a consistent balance sheet. So why not use a Free Balance Sheet? I've found a great free balance sheet over at millionaire systems, which is a website run by Gary Keller who's a real estate millionaire and has several great books about building wealth. This particular balance sheet...
Afraid to take the leap and quit? Wondering if you'll be considered a failure if you do? Don't worry, quitting isn't nearly as bad as it sounds and is completely necessary in life if you'd like to become a winner. Quitting is simply admitting defeat by saying to yourself: "I'm not good at this, it's not going anywhere, and...
The 40 hour workweek. That's what we're all used to. The 9-5 standard, punch your clock, Monday through Friday and do what everyone else does. But how many of those hours do you really need to be working? I work 40+ hours in a week, not because I have to, but because the majority of my money...
That is, if you're not going to execute... Sound financial planning is an absolute essential piece of the becoming financially free pie, but without action, you're only left with the thought of pie and a grumbling stomach. It requires action to go to the grocery store, action to buy the ingredients,  action to find a recipe, action to try the...
I'm sure you've heard people say: "you are who you hang out with" and "you'll end up a lot like the people you spend the most time with." Today, I took that to heart and decided to hang out with a bunch of millionaires! I'd like to say that we all flew to Lake Tahoe to meet at an...
Plastic Water Bottles are one of the stupidest purchases you can make... Period. There, I said it, go ahead and hate me while you're blowing your money, encouraging oil consumption, and harming the environment, but I'm entrenched in my position on this one! I don't usually stand on a soapbox, I'm not a tree hugger by any means, but...
Ever wonder what it's like to be a globetrotting internet entrepreneur? Well you're about to meet one first hand. Colin from owns a boutique branding studio called Colin Is My Name. His business allows him to work anywhere in the world, which he's currently doing. Keep reading to learn about Colin's thoughts on...
I've only lived here in Honolulu for about two months now and I've made a few casual acquaintances, but no true buddies, pals, or best friends. This isn't meant to be a post to gain your sympathy... far from it, but I am wondering how you've dealt with this situation. You're obviously reading a personal finance blog in which...
The people who know exactly how much they spend by the day are in the minority. Most people have a general idea if only because they read their bank statements. Direct debits can pay regular bills, any relevant instalments and the balance at the bottom of each statement is an indicator of how well income is being managed; are...

Making Myself Poor

Today I did something either really smart, or really dumb. I decided I'd like to roll the dice with my finances and stretch myself a little thin. I realize I'm not going to be technically "poor," but I'll definitely be cash poor. I had about $3,500 in cash savings and decided I wanted less of a cushion, so...