Since I began teaching myself web development several years ago I have gained a familiarity with setting up and running websites and blogs. It's not surprising then, that people often ask me... ""Ryan, how can I create a website and more importantly, how can I make money from a website?" How can I leave the rat race...
As I'm confident you're well aware Haiti is currently recovering from a horrible 7.0 Earthquake. If you haven't heard, read about it here. This is a short post simply to raise awareness and give you a few sites that you can pledge help to the people of Haiti who could desperately use your help. If you can't jump...

Happy Veterans Day

To all those serving at home and abroad; thank you for your service. Although many of us don't take time to think of how our freedom is gained, it goes a long way acknowledging the sacrifice many have made for our simple pleasures. Today is a day to do just that. Image from zuikosan
Meet Little House in the Valley, she's a conscious consumer who discusses her journey into home ownership while providing interesting insight into the world of little houses. After reading her site I found quite a few interesting ideas for future home plans (well under 1,000 sq feet) and like me she often chooses to ride her bike rather...
I like to take advice from old people. They've seen more, done more, and often have made the mistakes that I'd like to avoid in life. Older people are wiser (most of the time), they're often much more content, and they have qualities I lack. Patience and a greater sense of what this thing they call...
I'm sure you've heard people say: "you are who you hang out with" and "you'll end up a lot like the people you spend the most time with." Today, I took that to heart and decided to hang out with a bunch of millionaires! I'd like to say that we all flew to Lake Tahoe to meet at an...
I like to dabble in photography, so I'm building a collection of personal finance stock images that are free for you to use! It'd be much appreciated if you attribute them to me by linking back to If you have any ideas of cool photos email me, and I'll see if I can get something made. Free Personal Finance Stock Images Free...
Although Jim Calhoun Jr.'s book "The 12 Investment Myths" lasts only 104 pages, it packs enough value to last a lifetime. With a straight forward, concise, and at times, humorous demeanor Jim brings some common myths of investing to light that many investors may not have thought about. Working as a fee-only financial advisor the author stresses that investors...
I recently took a glance over the book The Five Lessons a Millionaire Taught Me by Richard Paul Evans. Within the first couple minutes I gathered that the book was 88 pages of common personal finance advice. Don't get me wrong, it's a great book for those who aren't familiar with personal finance concepts, such as pay...