If you haven't invested in a Roth IRA yet, you should do it. I know this sounds a bit obvious, but a lot of people have problems doing one thing, just jumping in! Of course, only jump in, if you have a large enough emergency fund in place and have some extra money to invest. I...
If you've got a mental fixation with the image you're portraying to your neighbors you should probably heed the advice of this article. Stop keeping up with the Joneses, nobody really likes them anyways! They're probably fake, focused only on what you care about, and they don't really have much sense of self. Or maybe I'm...
Financial planning isn't difficult, at least on paper. The tough part is starring into the openness of your life, the choices, the options, and deciding what you want badly enough to sacrifice for, then following through each and every day. Without a big why, and understanding the importance of personal finance one will struggle, so why not...
The career track as you know it is not a permanent condition of human life. It's barely three generations old. Civilization has been around for maybe 8 millennia. And for 7.9 of those, "career track" meant working on the family farm and eventually inheriting it. That's if you were lucky and male. If you were female, it involved a lot...
I recently finished reading the 10 Roads to Riches by Kenneth Fisher and found it refreshing in the field of personal finance books that often repeat the same mantra. Kenneth's book takes a realistic approach and gives options on how the most effectively build wealth through ten different strategies. Insightful, accurate, and educating are a few of the words...
Is minimum wage really that hard to live on? I was at a friend's house last night for a small party and met a girl there she mentioned that she chose Hawaii because it was a place where you could do a lot of the things you enjoy for free and a lot of people don't really focus...
One of the first investing/business books that truly influenced me (I was in middle school at this point) was Robert Allen's Multiple Streams of Income. Robert Allen is a huge proponent of aggressively building wealth through business creation, real estate investing, and utilizing the power of the internet. Although many have mixed emotions about Robert's teachings I've...
People do stupid things with their money every day, these people act like money idiots. Pretend for a moment that I'm your grandpa giving you sage, yet common sense advice. That advice would be "Don't be an idiot with your money" or just pretend that you're Dwight via the clip below. A lot of people run into money trouble because they...
No... I'm not trying to pick you up, Yes, I would like to know your number... your goal net worth number that is... What's YOUR Number? In a fairly recent series of ING commercials, individuals walk around town carrying their "numbers." Their number is the retirement amount that they require to live the life they want during said retirement. ...
Although you can't go through life without spending money... unless you're this guy, you can avoid making some stupid spending decisions. There are a few purchasing decisions that really stick out in my mind which I've listed below in the list of 7 things you should never buy. 1. Disposable cups and plates They may cost a bit more up...