A couple of days ago, I responded to a guest post by Mr Credit Card from askmrcreditcard.com over at Fiscal Fizzle. His premise was that there really was no such thing as passive income. I disagreed and wrote a post taking the opposite argument. The articles caused quite a bit of debate both on this site and Fiscal Fizzle...
It's been said that the easiest way to make money is to keep the money you have. Saving money is a sure way to make sure you have it when you need it, yet so many of us waste it on things we want or spending too much on the things we need. By cutting waste you're...
"Never borrow money to pay for something that goes down in value." Those are the words or personal finance advice from Seth Godin, one of the greatest marketers of our time. Seth brings up a really good point that is often overlooked. It highlights the concept of good debt versus bad debt perfectly. If you're borrowing for things that...
With personal finance everything is relative. Reading through blogs and comparing yourself to others using direct numbers might not be the best way to measure your progress, but using personal finance ratios could be a better indicator as to how you're doing. For example, if you're located in Iowa, your income is going to be significantly lower...
Personal finnace is pretty darn simple. Spend less than you make, save, and don't buy stuff you can't afford. For some reason people can't follow one of the most simple to follow concepts out there, which is why it's perfect for a Saturday Night Live Skit! Watch the video to learn all you need to know about saving...
One of the first investing/business books that truly influenced me (I was in middle school at this point) was Robert Allen's Multiple Streams of Income. Robert Allen is a huge proponent of aggressively building wealth through business creation, real estate investing, and utilizing the power of the internet. Although many have mixed emotions about Robert's teachings I've...
People do stupid things with their money every day, these people act like money idiots. Pretend for a moment that I'm your grandpa giving you sage, yet common sense advice. That advice would be "Don't be an idiot with your money" or just pretend that you're Dwight via the clip below. A lot of people run into money trouble because they...
Your standard personal finance equation goes something like this. Work for 30-40 years, <a href="http://www.plantingdollars.com/personal-finance/average-us-savings-rate-holding-steady-but-still-low/"save about 10-15% of your income through 401k's, IRA's and even a little extra by paying down your house through a mortgage. This means you'll be part of the working world the majority of your life. The is the life of a...
Although it may not feel like it, the recession has been over for quite some time. In fact, 2011 has started off with a bang, the Dow Jones just crossed 12,000 and reached highs not seen since 2008, employers are beginning to hire, albeit slowly, but for many they're just not feeling the optimism that 2011 is starting...
Creating wealth is far from rocket science, but it does take discipline, a consistent mindset, and the right set of knowledge. Although I can't instill discipline into anyone reading this post I can give some basic tips for creating wealth to set you in the right direction. If you'd like to create more wealth in your life...