There are a ton of different financial websites and blogs on the web. Each with their own strategy or mix of ideas. Reading through these blogs makes you realize that some ideas mix as well as oil and water. Enter financial extremism. The vast majority of personal finance blogs are middle of the road. Pay off...
Have you ever thought about becoming a billionaire? It's an astronomical number that most of us can't even wrap our heads around, but according toFortune Magazine, it's list of billionaires totaled 793 wealthy souls this past year. That's a pretty elite group so your odds aren't great. In fact, your odds of being a billionaire are over one...
What's the difference between being rich versus being wealthy? Is there a difference and if so how can we separate the two similar concepts? Being Rich Rich is a current state of being that can happen overnight. For example: lottery winners, new found celebrities and even high payed professions such as doctors or lawyers belong in the category of...
You'd be hard pressed to find a person who doesn't want to be financially free, but I bet it wouldn't be too hard to find someone who couldn't tell you what they'd do with that freedom. The day that you become financially free what will really change in your life? Will the angels sing and your problems...
Last night I watched a documentary about credit cards and debt that was produced in 2005 known as "In debt we trust." The documentary was free to watch on hulu and spent about an hour and a half discussing what credit cards were, the corruption of the system, and the problems we face with debt as a nation....
The definition of net worth has been debated and you'll often find many answers as you search for the meaning of net worth. The standard answer for net worth goes something like this: "Assets - Liabilities = Net Worth" The struggle comes in describing what an asset is and what true liabilities are. Is a house an asset, or...
The topic of money doesn't come up that much, being a social taboo and all, but when you have to explain your spending habits as a frugal consumer it can create a few odd looks and perhaps a judgment by your peers as being cheap. Being frugal it's safe to say that, you're in the minority... Most people...
This page is simply a collection of things I've found while browsing the internet that are free! Personal finance advice is cheap, but these things are even cheaper. Enjoy. Free Financial Books J.D. Roth's Get Rich Slowly Guide to IRA's - Free ebook (PDF link) Richest Man in Babylon - George Clason's 1928 Classic, free to download. Free Personal Finance Software
6 Financial Tips for Millennials
What other financial tips would you have for millennials?
Increasing your net worth is fairly straight forward. Lower your expenses and/or increase your earnings. There's only two ways to accomplish it. Although increasing your earnings has a much higher potential, the easiest way to start saving money is going to be through decreasing your expenses. For me, that means living like a poor person....