"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"-English Proverb- Often the hardest step to take when getting out of debt is the first one. It's not any more challenging in terms of work or sacrifice, but it's going to be the biggest mental challenge you'll have on your journey to getting out of debt. "I have learned...
It's been said that spending money is a bit easier than making it, but I think I'd have to work pretty hard to spend as much as a U.K. lottery winner did. A 16 year old British girl, Callie Rogers, was lucky enough to win $3 million dollars, (1.9 million pounds)...  and guess what she did? She spent it...

Happy Veterans Day

To all those serving at home and abroad; thank you for your service. Although many of us don't take time to think of how our freedom is gained, it goes a long way acknowledging the sacrifice many have made for our simple pleasures. Today is a day to do just that. Image from zuikosan
Have you heard? The US was recently in a recession. Millions of people have lost their jobs and the future of the country seems a bit uncertain. As you're reading this you're probably thinking "well this guy is some rocket scientist, tell me something I don't know!" Okay okay, but stay with me for a...