I faced a dilemma upon graduating college. Having entered the working world making decent money (not great by any means) I had a few extra bucks a month and I had to decide whether I would. 1. Eliminate student loan debt. 2. Invest the money. Either choice was a good financial decision, but which one is better for the wallet? As economist...
Have you ever eaten a whole box of Christmas cookies in an evening?  That's what I managed to polish off last night which kicked off two days of Ryan's food meltdown.  Kind of like Pringles - once I pop, I can't stop! It all started with the care package from home which included: Christmas Cookies Venison Sticks Chocolate Covered Pretzels A Block of Fudge M...
One of my favorite movies of all time is Office Space. There's so much wonderful satire packed into 89 minutes that echos the absurdities of the world we live in... you know, the real world after college that you don't leave until you retire.  The one with bosses named Bob, TPS reports, and never ending rows of cubicles. If...
These days it seems like everyone is trying to find creative ways of bringing in extra cash. Some people are starting small side businesses in the hopes of providing for their family more adequately, while others are taking out loans against their homes or cars. Things are really tough out there right now, and anyone who is not struggling...
Have you ever dreamed of starting your own business, selling things you love, and having the freedom to do it anywhere in the world? You can! And I've found someone who wants to pay you $100,000 to do just that! Tim Ferris over at the 4-Hour Workweek has just put up a substantial amount of money to the person who...
We've all got dreams of a better life. For most us that means getting better with our finances, starting a business, or learning to manage our time better. Although it's great to have dreams, they're only the blueprint and without work and action, blueprints never turn into real objects. With the new year coming up soon and the...
Since I've been bartending for years people often as me "how much do bartenders make?" This is a question that simply "depends," but I'll do my best to try and answer it. If you want the short answer the range varies from $5 an hour, all the way up to $100 an hour, but in my experience, an average...
Reading is one of the best ways to transform yourself into the person you want to be. Inspired by new ideas and thoughts I've seen firsthand how the books I've read have molded me into the person I am today. I've listed several of such books below and highly recommend each of them. Personal Finance The Richest Man...
Life has many similarities to the game of chess. In the chess set of life there's strategy, proven methods, along with winners and losers.  Those who figure out the rules of the game and learn strategy have a huge advantage.  This can be demonstrated when placing a grand chess master against a newbie - the chess master will beat...
You can create a blog that looks similar to Planting Dollars easily with the help of Thesis theme. Thesis is an integrated theme that allows you the freedom to change how your site looks without having to do any coding. How sweet is that? I swear by thesis and as you can see from this site, use it...