Have you ever dreamed of starting your own business, selling things you love, and having the freedom to do it anywhere in the world? You can! And I've found someone who wants to pay you $100,000 to do just that! Tim Ferris over at the 4-Hour Workweek has just put up a substantial amount of money to the person who...
The recession, lack of spending, unemployment, debt, foreclosure... are you as sick of these words as I am? Well if you want them to stop, go spend money and do your part in turning around the economy, duh silly! ;) As consumer spending makes up a significant, but debateable percentage of the national economy it's not hard...
In honor of the great Martin Luther King Jr., I thought I'd like to touch on the concept of dreaming today. Dr. King did not have grandeur visions of wealth, or possessions, but rather he envisioned something more valuable, something that tore into the fabric of our society's way of thinking; Dr. King dreamed of a world for...
As I'm confident you're well aware Haiti is currently recovering from a horrible 7.0 Earthquake. If you haven't heard, read about it here. This is a short post simply to raise awareness and give you a few sites that you can pledge help to the people of Haiti who could desperately use your help. If you can't jump...
Who invented grocery carts and why did they make them so darn big? Not only that, why did the inventor create one of the most evil inventions ever and set it free? I don't mean to exaggerate, but this invention might rival the A-bomb in how much damage it has caused the world. Not in deaths,...
It's hardly an accomplishment for most bloggers, but I've made it a month typing away about personal finance, my journey, and other assorted (hopefully related) subjects. I'm just beginning to scratch the surface of many of the topics I'd like to write about and discuss, so the prospect of what this blog has the potential to be is...
Earlier today I spent an hour speaking with Ask Mr. Credit Card on his blog talk radio show. I think I'm glad I did this mostly because I learned that I like to say "ya know" about a million times when nervously talking on the phone... I'm also quite good at cutting Mr. Credit Card off! maybe...
You hear it over and over again: a higher education leads to better paying careers and financial stability. Now, at a time when even the most experienced and educated individuals remain unemployed after the recent massive economic downturn, many are calling that belief into question. Jobs are scarce and money is tight, causing new high school graduates to wonder...
Yoda was a smart little green dude, who nailed it when he said: "Do, or do not, there is no try." Everyday we try new things, we explore, and we work towards our goals. However, there isn't often a rush or sense of urgency. "I'll do it later" or "I have plenty of time" are familiar sentiments that I...