There are a ton of different financial websites and blogs on the web. Each with their own strategy or mix of ideas. Reading through these blogs makes you realize that some ideas mix as well as oil and water. Enter financial extremism. The vast majority of personal finance blogs are middle of the road. Pay off...
With so much talk about becoming a millionaire and becoming financially free it can all seem a bit daunting. After all, only 2% of Americans are millionaires and if you're a just starting out in life (myself included) it doesn't exactly seem realistic to come up with a million dollars or become free by next Tuesday. ...
We are the lifestyle we lead, and our lifestyle is allowed by the income we're able to earn to fund that particular lifestyle. When we start out in life we have a low income and thus we buy things like "starter homes" and sleep on futons while eating ramen noodles. It's actually not too shabby starting out...
6 Financial Tips for Millennials
What other financial tips would you have for millennials?