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Never Borrow Money to Pay For Something That Goes Down in...

"Never borrow money to pay for something that goes down in value." Those are the words or personal finance advice from Seth Godin, one of...

How to Win Through Quitting

Afraid to take the leap and quit? Wondering if you'll be considered a failure if you do? Don't worry, quitting isn't nearly...

How to Beat Vegas and Make 214% on Your Money This...

Each year millions of wide eyed and money hungry gamblers flock to a neon lit sand pit hundreds of miles from the barren Sierras....

Finding Frugal Friends

I've only lived here in Honolulu for about two months now and I've made a few casual acquaintances, but no true buddies, pals, or...

Books to Become Financially Free

Reading is one of the best ways to transform yourself into the person you want to be. Inspired by new ideas and thoughts...

Other Side of the Fence Series

Other side of the fence articles are one's in which I take the opposing viewpoint of another blogger or popular belief. It may...

How to Lose a Million Dollars… or Three!

It's been said that spending money is a bit easier than making it, but I think I'd have to work pretty hard to spend...

Planting Goals for 2010

As I browse the PF blogosphere the day before 2010, many bloggers writing their new years resolutions seem to have a fair amount of...

Thank You Samurai and Cash Money Life

Today I had two posts go up, but both aren't here on planting dollars! So where are they? Financial Samurai and Cash Money Life were nice...

5 Reasons Grocery Carts are Evil

Who invented grocery carts and why did they make them so darn big? Not only that, why did the inventor create one of...