Elivis has left the Island


After almost a year living in paradise, a place that the majority of the world dreams of visiting, I have decided that I’m just not cut out for this whole relaxing on the beach thing. Yup, that’s right, I’m no longer in Hawaii and have chosen to return to the frozen tundra of Wisconsin. I’m not shocked if you think I’m crazy. In fact I hear it almost everyday from people who find out I just moved back. Although paradise is nice, it’s just not for everyone as I’ll explain further in a future post.

It’s been quite a few months since I’ve blogged and it’s primarily due to the fact that I hit a plateau after reaching my target goal of achieving a high alexa rank and lacking direction and purpose for my writing. This is completely my fault as I didn’t set a continuous set of goals for the blog when starting and I didn’t really treat the blog like a business that needed consistent attention. For any blogger starting out I would highly recommend creating a regular posting schedule, 3-5 year goals and then commit to it come hell or high water. Hind sight it 20-20, so that’s something I’ll be doing in the future now that I’ve learned my lesson.

In all honesty, I’ve missed connecting with other bloggers (yup, I’m talking to you!) and the excitement of getting comments and posts that people actually enjoy so I’ll be posting again regularly. I hope to continue to grow with you in the journey to financial freedom and hopefully inspire you to get their finances in order so that you too can follow your dreams.

I look forward to reconnecting with many of you and apologize for my apparent disappearance over the past few months. It’s just that it’s a really long flight from Hawaii to Wisconsin 😉



Image from ackook

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Welcome back to the continental portion! I look forward to seeing you around again and interacting more!
.-= Daniel´s last blog ..Do You Feel Bad When The Price Drops After You Purchase =-.


Welcome back, I look forward to reading your blogs again. No need to apologize, sometimes a change of pace is much needed. I am very happy for you.

Kitchen Penguin

Welcome back! I was holding out hope that you’d return and didn’t take Planting Dollars off my RSS feed list during the last purge. Are you craving the Hawaii food yet? Every conversation that I’ve ever had with somebody that either lived in Hawaii or visited Hawaii eventually comes around to how much we miss the food.
.-= Kitchen Penguin´s last blog ..A Waka For My Rice Cooker =-.

Get Happy Life

Ryan, I am so glad you came back! I got pretty surprised when I saw a post in my feed from Planting Dollars. I enjoy your way of writing really.
What are your goals going to be now?
.-= Get Happy Life´s last blog ..Don’t Be in Rush – Ever =-.

Money Reasons

Good to see you back man!

I was wondering what happened! You write some great stuff, and it would be sad if you quit…
.-= Money Reasons´s last blog ..Do Movies and TV Shows Affect Your Purchasing Decisions =-.


Hey Ryan,

Welcome back to the world of blogging. I’m looking forward to reading and learning from your posts again!

.-= Andrea´s last blog ..Save Money Shopping Online with Free Shipping =-.


Glad you’re back, and good luck with the next chapter in your life. I really enjoy your blog, and look forward to reading many more interesting posts.

Money Funk

Really? You couldn’t wait next summer to return to Wisconsin? LOL. Welcome back!
.-= Money Funk´s last blog ..The Kardashian Sisters Launch Their Own Prepaid Credit Card =-.

Financial Samurai

Hey Ryan! Good to hear from you man! What on Earth happened to you these past 6+ months while you were in Hawaii?

Please do a follow up post! It will be fascinating to know! Yakezie.com is up and running if you aren’t aware. If you have the energy to blog again, drop by!

Cheers, Sam
.-= Financial Samurai´s last blog ..Fixing The Airlines Industry =-.