Three of the Best Blog Posts You’ll Ever Read


I’ve read a lot of blog posts in my life. Thousands and thousands of them. Lists, stories, how to guides, and general advice, mostly about money, personal development, and web development, but also a plethora of other topics. I generally try to learn from each article, to take something from it or to connect to the writer somehow because they have taken the time to share their thoughts, but a select few stand out and I check back with them weekly. They’re the one’s that motivate and inspire me more than others.

I’d like to share with you three of the best blog posts that I’ve found while surfing the web over the past few years. I hope that they inspire you and encourage you as much as they do for me.

Personal Finance
How I Became Financially Independent in 5 Years I really like this post because it shows that with creative thinking you can take back your time to do whatever you want. Before reading Jacob’s blog I hadn’t thought of the early retirement option, but because of his influence am considering a 10 year plan to do something similar, what I do with my time after will most likely still be work, but having the ability to retire if I so choose is what I’m after. His rational and clear thoughts about his process and living simply have stood leaps and bounds above most other posts I’ve read.

Personal Development
Steve Pavlina’s 30 days to success. Hands down one of my favorite writers, Steve Pavlina is where I turn to re-energize my myself about my own development and meeting new challenges. I like his post about 30 days to success because it makes any challenge easy to digest and attempt without risk. If you make it 30 days it will most likely have become a habit… if you don’t, you most likely didn’t want it bad enough.

Mobile Living
I haven’t touched on this subject much… yet, but I have to say that this article has been an inspiration. How I Manage a Travel Blog on the Road. If you haven’t stopped over at you should check it out. Gary has been traveling for over 2 years straight and posts everyday about his travels with a ton of images and video to boot. I hope to have a similar traveling blog in the upcoming years, but with a bit more focus on scuba diving and videos with sharks 🙂

What are your three favorite blog posts?

What blog posts have significantly changed your perspective or motivated you more than others?

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Jeremy Johnson

Those are good posts – Steve Pavlina has been helpful for me – he’s become a master in his field and it’s always useful to look to masters when looking to master something yourself.
.-= Jeremy Johnson´s last blog ..The Ant Philosophy =-.


Yeah…Steve Pavlina’s blog is really good. One post of his that I return to often is 10 reasons you should never get a job. His reasons are spot on and make you think twice about a W-2 income. 🙂


[…] see: Three of the best blog posts you’ll ever read at Planting […]

Early Retirement Extreme

I’m still surprised that post #1, which incidentally is the first in a series, is so popular. I can only hope my book will be as popular once I get it out, otherwise I made a huge mistake.
.-= Early Retirement Extreme´s last blog ..Guest post on Monevator about extreme retirement =-.

Scott Barron
Scott Barron

So far this is my favorite blog to read and my favorite post was when you wrote about the movie Office Space!!

Lumbergh: “Oh, and remember: next Friday… is Hawaiian shirt day. So, you know, if you want to, go ahead and wear a Hawaiian shirt and jeans.”

My life for the last 20 years! LOL
.-= Scott Barron´s last blog ..Do You Have Broken Backlinks =-.


Great posts. I’ve been reading Steve Pavlina for over 3 years. A lot of his older articles are really great. I found him through the Million Dollar Experiment. Doesn’t look like it’s updated anymore though.

Derek Sivers, and the Art of Non-Conformity are also great blogs.
.-= Jaime´s last blog ..Millionaire Series Part 1 – The WHY =-.

Jarrod@ Optimistic Journey

Great list of Blogs Ryan. I’m very familiar with Steve Papalina’s blog. He’s is very inspirational for me. I’ll be sure to check out the other two Ryan.

Great post, Thanks for sharing!!
.-= Jarrod@ Optimistic Journey´s last blog ..You Know You’re Favored by God When… =-.

Jeremy Johnson

That’s a very good question. At this stage of understanding I’d say one is a master when there are students appearing, ready to learn from you 🙂
.-= Jeremy Johnson´s last blog ..The Fulfillment Circle =-.


[…] Dollars has a nice post about Three of the Best Blog Posts You’ll Ever Read. You should check out all of them. The one from Early Retirement Extreme was my favorite […]

Girl Startup
Girl Startup

I love pav 😉 He’s helped me tremendously over the years and I have to credit him for where I am today. Although, in the last year I haven’t really connected as much with his articles. I’m also a fan of yaro, especially when he talks about personal development…not so much into his “how to make money with your blog” stuff, but his most recent blog post really struck a chord with me I’m liking the look of your blog as well, from what I have seen so far. .-= Girl Startup´s last blog ..What I learnt from starting… Read more »


Very nice post Ryan. Kepp up the good work 🙂
.-= Kharim´s last blog ..Why You Don’t Make Money Online – [Video] =-.

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Thankful for the post. Very liked this article!

Scott Barron
Scott Barron

Corporate accounts payable, Nina speaking. Just a moment….

Corporate accounts payable, Nina speaking. Just a moment….

Corporate accounts payable, Nina speaking. Just a moment….

I loved her!
.-= Scott Barron´s last blog ..Ouch! Blogging Pains =-.


I can’t wait to check these out, you always have a good roundup.

Money Beagle – I will check your post out too!


Thanks for those suggestions. I know that thousands of readers love Steve.
Steve has awesome posts and some not so great…
The other two blogs are new for me.
The best post that I have found is from Steve:
All the best,
.-= Boris´s last blog ..Put Magic in your Life =-.


Retiring and have the ability to retire are amazing thoughts to be having.

so many times people at the end of their career get senior-its and want to get out of dodge only to be bored within a few months. But mentally retiring while having the ability to still enjoy life is the true goal in my mind.

thanks for the resources, its always nice to stay motivated

Link Love: | Move to Portugal

[…] Three of the Best Blog Posts You’ll Ever Read at Planting Dollars […]

Aury (Thunderdrake)
Aury (Thunderdrake)

Steve Pavlina is quite a remarkable individual. His voice reminds me of a lot of the friends I hang around, who are good at heart themselves. But there’s few who have the level of personal development and emergent behavior that can hold a candle to Steve.
.-= Aury (Thunderdrake)´s last blog ..The Hoarding Dragon – The difference between knowledge and experience =-.

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